The Kindred

Spirits Club

The Kindred Spirits Club is a connection hub that supports everyone to be themselves through individual sessions, lived experience support, supervision, training and workshops.

The goal is to support, advocate, connect and build a group of peers who want to transform their relationship with their bodies, food, trauma, sexualities and identities so they can reclaim, rebuild and create a life that feels authentic to them.

belonging - connection - curiosity

TKSC was founded in 2019 inspired by my personal experiences and challenges with mental ill-health and eating disorder recovery. I know how difficult, isolating and often hopeless the recovery journey can feel.

The club mainly focuses on body image and diet but this is a hub of people who support one another in accepting themselves and others regardless of gender, sexuality, education, finances, religion or image. It's blanking out the bullshit and giving everyone space to be what they want to be.

Hey there, so happy you found us!


One to One

Person-centered, humanistic one to one lived experience sessions with someone who 'gets it' and can provide realistic hope and ispiration for recovery alongside practical skills.


I'm trained to deliver specialist programs, workshops, presentations and resources that address factors that influence negative body image, disordered eating and the development of eating disorders from an Intentional Peer Support perspective.


Individual supervision provides a space that encourages conversations and reflections about how we connect using our lived experience. You will be supported to reflect on your own values and how they intersect with lived experience workforce and organisational values.

Lived Experience

I deliver my lived experience story to support patients, clinicians and proffessionals who work alongside eating disordes by providing education, tools and hope of recovery.

a couple of people sitting at a table with cups of coffee
a couple of people sitting at a table with cups of coffee

There’s an epidemic of people at war with themselves. We're battling anxiety and stress largely attributed to cultural imprinting and social pressures paired with unconscious parenting, broken education systems and influences of multi-billion dollar corporations.

It's time to nurture individualism, intuitiveness, creativity & emotional, mental & spiritual well-being. It’s time we realised we are filling the pockets of huge industries that only make money from telling us we are doing everything wrong.

In creating The Kindred Spirits Club I hope to provide a positive, entertaining voice alongside support and education to anyone supporting someone or living with eating issues, body-confidence struggles and anxiety. I want a connection of people who see through the fog of fuckery.

I believe in the power of sharing, intuition and non-judgmental acceptance of one another. I use my own recovery from anorexia and OCD as inspiration for body acceptance, mindful intuitive eating & supporting every person in living a whole life that’s for them and not anyone else.

In the words of Lizzo, 'woo child, tired of the bullshit'.


Individual Support

One to one sessions are a great opportunity for us to establish and work toward recovery goals, learn new healthy coping mechanisms and recovery skills, and build your life beyond the eating disorder.

Support can include setting goals in collaboration with your treatment team. Understanding and overcoming your roadblocks and obstacles. learning strategies for reaching out to others. Exploring your ambivalence and working with your level of motivation and stages of change. Learning new skills and coping strategies to feel your feelings, and to challenge your thoughts. Identifying your personal values and passions.

I specialise in a trauma-informed approach, intuitive eating, weight-inclusive and body-affirming care; using non-diet and person-centred approaches to nutrition and health. I work in a way that values the lived experience of the person in front of me, and aim to create a safe and inclusive space.

person writing on brown wooden table near white ceramic mug
person writing on brown wooden table near white ceramic mug

Bringing to the table

Creating a life with meaning, and purpose.

Self-compassion & self-acceptance with weight & body neutrality

Ditch the diets & the control of food & exercise - gentle nutrition & movement

Understanding your own personal body & hunger cues for you & your lifestyle

Restoring your relationship with your body and making peace with all foods

Decrease experiences of isolation, shame and misinformation

Developing an understanding of how the issues began

Reconnecting with a sense of self and enhancing capacity to seek support

Building and maintain authentic and mutual connections with peers;

Sharing hope, knowledge, and experience that recovery is real and possible